Jesus = Community Organizer – GOP hits the wall.

These are only a few of the best response so for to the horrific bullshit attack on community organizers emanating from the sulfurous odors around the podium at the RNC.

These predate the GOP’s attacks but still worth seeing.

What indeed is a community organizer?

I don’t think we’ll ever see Palin working in East Palo Alto.

The Yellow Bike Project in Austin.

Superstar Community Organizer –  Majora Carter – Speaking at TED on her work greening the South Bronx, the neighborhood where she grew up.

Resurrection of the Willie Mae’s Scotchouse, after the big flood.


And of course, the guy who’s trying to organize the American community Barack Hussein Obama.
If you are not happy with the way the GOP has chosen to attack the best people in our neighborhoods, schools and cities…please DONATE TODAY!

Tell the nasties at the GOP, you’re done with the same old stuff. If you don’t have money or a job – or even if you do… sign up to help make calls, talk to people – get a taste of community organizing yourself. Go to the site now. The campaign makes it easy as pie to get involved – and to organize your community.

Once you start it’s hard to stop. Not only is it the right thing to do, it feels amazing to connect your life with the lives of people around you to make the changes you all want and need to see. All you need to be is open and willing to help. THIS is what Obama is talking about when he says “be the change you want to see in the world.” That’s how Gandhi put it – and you know how much responsibility he handled.

And what’s this business about “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” I don’t know why those in the Grand OLD Party have such a hard time understanding that concept. It seems to jibe pretty well with that whole ‘responsibility’ thing, you flap your jaws about all the time. Then again, I’ve noticed these GOP speech writers don’t use language like normal people.

They turn good things to salt, and poison into profit.

You know what Miss Tubman said:

If you hear the dogs, keep going.

If you see the torches in the woods, keep going.

If they’re shouting after you, keep going.

Don’t ever stop. Keep going.

If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.

Even in the darkest of moments, ordinary Americans have found the faith to keep going.

Thanks for the reminder Hilary. And thanks for organizing those 18 million cracks!

And Rudy… I can’t find a community in NYC that liked ya, sure as hell not the firemen.

What would you know about community organizing in the first place?

Not a damn thing.

And Sarah, just because you ain’t gettin’ paid, doesn’t mean you don’t have any ‘responsibility.’

After I graduated from UC Berkeley I spent four years teaching adults with disabilities how to use technology. My guess is you would have slashed that program, like you did in your state.

Like someone in a video above said,

Jesus was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate, George W. Bush and Sarah Palin are governors.

And don’t get it twisted. Barack never compared himself to Jesus.

You just stepped in a giant national moose pie of your own making. As YOU said being the Mayor of Wasilla population 5000+ voted in by about 600 people – It’s not rocket science.

Don’t miss Obama’s response!

We are All African, and Africa needs us all.

And may I suggest that if you are doing Xmas or holiday gifts this year – give a (RED) Product – Nano Ipod – 10$ of every sale goes to ending AIDS in Africa.

Why should you care… Bono says it better than I.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

(And no purchasing an IPod is not the end of anyone’s committment – perhaps just give the money straight to Africa…but if you are going for one – get RED!))

By the way – You are African too!

An Inconvenient Truth – Gore 2008!

OK. I admit. I've given the man short shrift in the past. I've been unfair. It all started when Tipper went after rap. I just thought it was really laughable and lame. I voted for he and Clinton and then when they treated the Haitian boat people so badly I was extremely disillusioned. I seethed when he seemed to back down in the fight for his own presidency.

Al. I'm sorry. I was wrong. You had more important things to do.

“surprisingly engaging…intellectually exhilarating,…could hardly be more urgent. “An Inconvenient Truth” is a necessary film” – A.O. Scott, The New York Times

“…illuminating, fascinating and sometimes frightening.” – Claudia Puig, USA Today (* * * 1/2 out of 4 stars)

“highly persuasive” – Kevin Crust, The Los Angeles Times

Currently we’re 88% fresh at with 100% Fresh Rating with the Cream of the Crop critics (as of 11am ET)


Gore in 2008!

(Sorry Hil, Integrity is the new black!)

ALSO – please consider writing Viacom/Paramount to complain about the fact that they gave Nacho Libre more high profile ads and distribution than an Inconvenient Truth.
RE: An Inconvenient Truth -Distribution

And to all the trolls complaining about Gore's travel patterns – from Wired:

" Gores and all the employees of Generation lead a "carbon-neutral" lifestyle, reducing their energy consumption when possible and purchasing so-called offsets available on newly emerging carbon markets. Gore says he and Tipper regularly calculate their home and business energy use – including the carbon cost of his prodigious global travel. Then he purchases offsets equal to the amount of carbon emissions they generate. Last year, for example, Gore and Tipper atoned for their estimated 1 million miles in global air travel by giving money to an Indian solar electric company and a Bulgarian hydroelectric project.

Carbon offsets are still an imperfect tool, favored only by a few early adopters. (An Inconvenient Truth directs viewers to a personal carbon calculator posted at Gore acknowledges that the average US consumer isn't likely to join what is, for now, essentially a voluntary taxation system. "The real answer is going to come in the marketplace," he says. "When the capitalist market system starts working for us instead of at cross-purposes, then the economy will start pushing inexorably toward lower and lower levels of pollution and higher and higher levels of efficiency. The main thing that's needed is to get the information flows right, removing the distortions and paying attention to the incentives."

I Like to Watch – An Environmental Video RSS Feed -About our Bright Green Future

I LIKE TO WATCH is an RSS feed of video content I find provocative, proactive, prescient or practical. Most of these will feature sustainability leaders talking about solutions. I will publish videos for projects that are worthy of support, people worthy of encouragement, and most important – items that will give you hope and spur you to join in making with us – the bright green future! I am also partial to bringing you speakers that you may not have heard of before, presenting ideas that are maybe a little strange. On a personal note I also like odd vids teaching odd skills, so there will be a few howtos. Last, laughter is critical to our immune systems and we need strong immune systems these days so I will throw in things that make me laugh.

There are a few ways to use the feed. I try to pass on pieces that cover issues at different levels of understanding. So I might pass a vid along because I think it makes the point well to an unititiated audience – in the hope that you will pass it on to an friend who needs motivation. Other pieces are in-depth lectures on aspect of sustainability that I barely understand. I pass those on in hopes of raising the level of discussion across the board.

I hope you enjoy what I curate! And by all means if you find a video out there that you think I should pass on – let me know!

Please support the creative people that do this sort of work!

From the movie [of the book] Being There – by Jerzy Kosinsky

President “Bobby”: Mr. Gardner, do you agree with Ben, or do you think that we can stimulate growth through temporary incentives?
[Long pause]
Chance the Gardener: As long as the roots are not severed, all is well. And all will be well in the garden.
President “Bobby”: In the garden.
Chance the Gardener: Yes. In the garden, growth has it seasons. First comes spring and summer, but then we have fall and winter. And then we get spring and summer again.
President “Bobby”: Spring and summer.
Chance the Gardener: Yes.
President “Bobby”: Then fall and winter.
Chance the Gardener: Yes.
Benjamin Rand: I think what our insightful young friend is saying is that we welcome the inevitable seasons of nature, but we’re upset by the seasons of our economy.
Chance the Gardener: Yes! There will be growth in the spring!
Benjamin Rand: Hmm!
Chance the Gardener: Hmm!
President “Bobby”: Hm. Well, Mr. Gardner, I must admit that is one of the most refreshing and optimistic statements I’ve heard in a very, very long time.
President “Bobby”: I admire your good, solid sense. That’s precisely what we lack on Capitol Hill.

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